Home Rate hikes

rate hikes

Commercial real estate professionals give their thoughts on risk calculation after more than 18 months of interest rate hikes.
Sponsors are turning to short-term loans to bridge gap to favorable interest rates. But what happens if market conditions have not materially changed by the time these loans mature is a looming question.
More family office investors are looking at short-term lending opportunities as the line between debt and equity becomes more blurred.
In-the-money caps are emerging as a short-term fix to interest rate volatility, but they might not ultimately provide the relief the market is seeking.
The Boston-based manager looks to focus on this area of the market through its Taurus Capital Solutions platform. 
The Boston-based manager’s head of research cites higher borrowing costs as a continued concern for the market.  
Blackstone's president and chief operating officer considers real estate debt to be ‘an area of growth' for the firm.
The deal makes the New York company the fourth-largest US mortgage REIT.
The firm's head of real estate debt portfolio management says that sidelined banks are shifting the paradigm for active lenders.

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